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Need more? Become an On-call Firefighter

We are currently recruiting for retained (On-Call) firefighters at all of our on-call stations across Berkshire. 

Without the dedication and support of people living within our local communities, we would not be able to provide the same level of cover to people in their time of need. That’s why we’re currently looking for more people who are willing and able to take on this essential role. 

Although these individuals are not based on fire stations, they usually live or work within 6-8 minutes (as detailed below) of their local on-call fire station and are ready to respond to any emergency when required.

Depending on the type of cover they are able to provide, an on-call firefighter may respond from home or work, day or night. They may be self-employed, stay at home parents / carers or have other full time or part time careers. When the emergency call comes, they stop whatever they are doing and become part of a dedicated team trained to deal with fires, floods, road traffic collisions, chemical spills and much more.

We’re looking for on-call firefighters at:

  • Crowthorne
  • Hungerford
  • Lambourn
  • Maidenhead
  • Mortimer
  • Pangbourne
  • Wargrave

To find out more, please visit: