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Fire Authority
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Your Safety
Our Fire Safety Office
Safe and Well Visits
Threats of Arson
High-rise Guidance
Safety at Home
We serve our communities by promoting home fire safety advice.
Safety at Work
Fires cost UK businesses millions of pounds each year in property damage and loss of business.
At Risk Programme
A fire safety guide for those involved in the care of others in the community.
Water Safety
Keep yourself and your loved ones safe in and around the water.
Be Weather Aware
Keep yourself safe from dangers posed by prolonged heat, cold or extreme weather events.
Road Safety
Keep yourself safe when driving on Berkshire’s roads.
Out and About
Outdoor fires can destroy the countryside and farms. Read our advice on how to be safe when you’re out and about.
Celebrating Safely
Advice on how to minimise the dangers of fire when organising or attending an event.
Children and Young People
We deliver a wide range of programmes for children and young people to help improve skills and confidence.
Preventing Deliberate Fires
If you have any information about arson in your area or have been threatened, make sure you report it.
What to do in an emergency
If a fire starts in your home, you need to know what to do, this information could save your life.
Emergency Vehicle Access
It is critical to ensure there’s suitable access for emergency services to provide a swift and effective response at all.
Fire Hydrants
Learn about fire hydrants in Berkshire, including what they are, how they’re maintained, and how you can assist RBFRS.
Fire Safety Advice and Brochures
Fire safety information is available here in English and other languages.