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Staff Fire Safety Training

Any new staff or existing staff covering responsibilities of those who may be in self-isolation must be adequately trained with ongoing refresher training to ensure they understand their role and responsibilities concerning the premises fire safety measures and evacuation.

Fire safety training continues to be a legal requirement to ensure that everybody understands what you expect from them in a fire situation. In addition, having a good management fire safety strategy in place provides a peace of mind to staff, customers and visitors that their safety has been taken into consideration and that fire safety is still taken seriously within the premises.

Review staff training needs:

  • Individual staff responsibilities, e.g. fire wardens, fire marshals. Are there enough staff members trained to continue to their responsibilities in an evacuation? What happens if they go into self-isolation?
  • Ensure all staff are familiarised with the building, for example fire assembly points, fire exits, location and type of fire extinguishers within the building, as well as knowing where to find the means of escape?
  • Ensure all staff have training on the use of fire extinguishers and remember which extinguisher should be used on which type of fire. Check that all fire extinguishers are maintained, correctly positioned and labelled.
  • Ensure you have assessed, implemented and shared a plan for all individuals’ needs in the event of a fire. Does a staff member require additional assistance in an evacuation? Do they require a PEEP? (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan)
  • Ensure the Fire Safety Evacuation strategy is shared and understood. Some questions to consider are what action should staff members take when the fire alarm actuates? Should they immediately leave the building, do they need to help other people escape to a place of safety, do they need to stop machinery?
  • Ensure all staff are aware of how to report any faults, damages, or fire risks within the workplace.
  • Ensure all staff are updated on any changes to the fire safety measures that have been put in place to keep them safe from fire.

For frequently asked questions, please see the COVID-19 Protection Advice to Businesses.