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Home Your Service Our Performance

Our Performance

Every year, we set targets for our performance to ensure we are delivering what we have promised in our strategic commitments. We monitor our performance against our targets on an ongoing basis and formally report to the Audit and Governance Committee every quarter. The most recent quarterly reports are available below. In addition to information about our progress towards our targets, these include details of our main areas of risk, our financial position, and our contracts and projects. The data on this page may change due to ongoing data capture.

Our Performance in August 2024

Total number of incidents in Berkshire


Percentage of occasions we responded within 10 minutes


(Target: 75%)

Safe and Well visits carried out


Total number of Fire Safety Audits completed


Number of complaints received 


Our performance last quarter (January – March 2024)

Total number of emergency incidents in Berkshire


Occasions we responded to emergency incidents within 10 minutes


Increase in referrals for Safe and Well visits received from our partners


Full Fire Safety Audits with a ‘Broadly Compliant’ result


Percentage of working time lost to staff sickness across all groups


Compliant spend as a percentage of our overall spend
