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Community Risk Management Planning

Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS) produces a Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) to ensure we deliver the right resources at the right time, in the right place. The CRMP balances resources against risk. Our CRMP contains information on what RBFRS is going to do over a five-year period and is supported by annual action plans. 

The current plan is the Corporate Plan and Integrated Risk Management Plan for the years 2023 – 2027.

RBFRS has an CRMP Programme Board to ensure that it meets the statutory requirements of the CRMP process whilst supporting the achievement of the strategic commitments and objectives. 

The board provides leadership and support for the delivery of the CRMP programme, which is outlined in the Corporate Plan and CRMP 2023-27, which outlines six key priorities for the four year period:

  • Priority 1. We will develop our Integrated Service Delivery Strategy to meet the changing profile of risk in Berkshire due to climate change, societal and technological shifts.
  • Priority 2. We will develop a Risk Based Prevention Programme to target those most vulnerable and at risk from emergency incidents.
  • Priority 3. We will develop our response model to ensure that we are providing the most effective response to incidents within Berkshire, ensuring that it is aligned to the risks identified, sustainable and provides value for money
  • Priority 4. We will review the incidents that do not form part of our core statutory responsibilities, to better understand the implications for the Service in attending these incidents. Notwithstanding the review of our response and the gathering of this data, public safety will remain the primary priority of the Service.
  • Priority 5. We will develop our Service to reduce the impact of fire safety issues in commercial buildings.
  • Priority 6. We will maintain 19 frontline fire appliances, and a baseline service provision of 14 frontline fire appliances, utilising wholetime and on-call staff as effectively as possible, through local management.

The CRMP Programme Board makes recommendations for consideration by the Fire Authority through its CRMP Working Party.

We manage the risks we identify through an integrated approach. This means we consider the full range of treatments (Prevention, Protection and Response) we have at our disposal and identify the most effective and efficient way to reduce community risk. We intend to formalise this approach by adopting an Integrated Service Delivery Strategy (ISDS). This means that for each hazard we manage, we will consider all of the methods at our disposal to drive down risk in our communities.

Community Risk Management Plan 2023 – 2027