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Evacuation and Social Distancing

Mandatory fire safety training, evacuation drills, individuals roles during evacuation and social distancing should be reviewed as below;

Your current business situation should be reassessed to consider the familiarity of all occupants against your most recent fire drill. Familiarise any new occupants with the premises and consider a desktop drill, taking into account any staff who may have previously moved sites. A very important aspect of fire safety continues to rely on the Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs). These should continue to be managed and supported as part of your overall Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Fire Risk Assessment.

Social distancing may have an impact on your evacuation plan where you must ensure all occupants leave the premises and go to the pre-determined fire assembly point. These evacuation plans should be reviewed to include strategies around social distancing and make changes where required, such as procedures for Fire Marshals, the location of Fire Assembly Point and any changes in occupancy numbers etc. Again, these must be communicated and practised with all staff. Government guidelines on maintaining hygiene, which can be implemented at the fire assembly point, can be obtained from the Government Coronavirus page.

Fire drills are an important part of any successful emergency evacuation procedure and can assist in a safe evacuation. It is crucial that everyone understands what to do in event of a fire, particularly if you have staff who are new to your premises.